How we Work

The best of IT services !

The implementation and management of technology solutions for businesses and organizations. These services can include hardware and software engineering.

IT services help businesses to effectively use technology to achieve their goals and improve their operations.


Requirement engineering

It is the process of eliciting, documenting, analyzing, and managing the requirements of a system.


In the context of information technology, it refers to the process of creating abstract representations of systems, processes, or data.


Here, refers to the process of creating, designing, programming, testing, and maintaining software applications or systems.

Our Timeline Highlights

“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.” — Albert Einstein



Setting up an automatic management system for programming processes in line with the planning link in MINEPAT's PPBS chain.
Development and implementation of an electronic platform for authenticating statements and deposits to the Road Fund.

Fonds Routier

Ministry of Transportation

Setting up a multidimensional platform for exchanges, awareness-raising, education, information, interaction and analysis on road safety in Cameroon.
Setting up the CSU, CTN website.

Ministry of Public Health

Our Process
Take control of your projet better development

Deep understanding of your need

“Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.” — Peter Sondergaard, Senior Vice

Design thinking

“Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.” — Peter Sondergaard, Senior Vice

Coordination meeting

“Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.” — Peter Sondergaard, Senior Vice

Steady and evaluation

“Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.” — Peter Sondergaard, Senior Vice

Our Services
The power of design

Software development

Software development refers to the process of creating, designing design, programming and maintenance of applications or systems. This extends to maintenance after they have been put into production.

Mobile application development

We develop and put your mobile applications online for you, mobile application that respects your charter and your requirements, integrating security and respect for your personal data.

UX/UI Design and Conception

The development of very high quality user interfaces, in line with user experience norms and standards. This to make your software and applications as intuitive as possible!

Database administration

Here we focus on the creation, maintenance, optimisation and security of your databases. to optimise the management of your data.

Engineering, analysis and advice

The essential elements of many sectors of activity, including construction construction, manufacturing and technology, for in-depth research, analysis and advice on your projects.

IT project management

The process of planning, organising and supervising the execution of execution of IT projects within an organisation. organisation. This includes managing costs and human resources.

Sales, installation and maintenance

A crucial aspect of managing an organisation's technology infrastructure is the is the provision of hardware, installation installation, maintenance and technical support.

Data mining

The process of extracting valuable information or models from large datasets. It involves the use of various techniques and algorithms for data analysis, visualisation and interpretation of the data.

Digital marketing

We develop specific techniques for managing digital media and channels and digital channels to promote your brand (products and/or services). This to significantly increase your sales and profitability.

Our Partners

Trusted by over 14 publics and privates Partners over the worldwide
Look for the professionnal services.

About us

Company profile

PSE is aimed at all companies that want to:
  • ♦ Get IT management advice
  • ♦ Defining and implementing IT strategy
  • ♦ Improve operations by reducing service costs and increasing turnover
  • ♦ Optimising business processes

Our vision

Developing together! We have a strong desire to build long-term relationships with our customers. That's why at PSE we not only offer IT solutions that meet your needs, we also work with you to create a real strategy. With the market constantly evolving and demand changing, we can help you simplify the management of your business.

Our values

The best of us in:
  • Innovation: offer you premium solutions to help you remain remain competitive in your market.
  • Loyalty: we honour our commitments by remaining faithful to our agreements.
  • Security: we protect your processes, data and resources.
  • Integrity: we act with honesty and respect.
  • Professionalism: staying professional in everything we do is very important to us!

Our missions

We exist to :
  • ♦ To help you focus on your core business by providing you with the tools you need to improve your company's performance.
  • ♦ Transform your business by helping you optimise your business processes and implement best practice in your market and sector.
  • ♦ Offering you ways of creating value from data. Because we believe that strong partnerships give you a competitive edge.
  • ♦ Helps you strengthen your ability to use the right technology to become more agile and competitive in your market.

Code Culture

Our code of conduct:
  • Communication: listen to you attentively and effectively to serve you better in the respect you deserve.
  • Passion: we work with ease, pushing back the boundaries in the pursuit of excellence.
  • Devotion: we are dedicated to honouring our commitments to you.
  • Discipline: we remain faithful to the texts and regulations in force, while respecting deadlines.
  • Determination: we remain committed, firm and tenacious on the road to your satisfaction.

Descriptive video

In this podcast discover the essentials of PSE Counsulting!

Some Important statistics

Some statistics on the positive impact of our activities!


Our Team

A team of professionnals, devoted and engaged!

Atangana Théophile
Graphic Designer
Oko'o Godlive
UI/UX Designner
Fatima Aboubakar
Digital Marketer
Nemar Nelson
UI/UX Designner
Nemar Nelson
UI/UX Designner
Fatima Aboubakar
Digital Marketer
Oko'o Godlive
UI/UX Designner
Atangana Théophile
Graphic Designer
Atangana Théophile
Graphic Designer
Oko'o Godlive
UI/UX Designner
Fatima Aboubakar
Digital Marketer
Nemar Nelson
UI/UX Designner

Ours references

Together we build the future by successful Amazing projects in production!

Ministry of Public Health, Cameroon, 2023
Setting up the CSU, CTN website. A digital platforme that able people have easy access to the full range of quality health services they need, from health promotion to prevention, treatment.
Ministry of Transportation, Cameroon, 2022
Setting up a multidimensional platform for exchanges, awareness-raising, education, information, interaction and analysis on road safety in Cameroon.
Fonds Routier, Cameroon, 2022
Development and implementation of an electronic platform for authenticating statements and deposits to the Road Fund.
Minister of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development, Cameroon, 2016-2021
Setting up an automatic management system for programming processes in line with the planning link in MINEPAT's PPBS chain.
Port Authority of Douala, Cameroon, 2020
Setting up a web platform to automate the database of projects essential to the planning and programming of the Port Autonome de Douala's budget.
Minister of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development, Cameroon, 2016
Setting up a system for reporting data on the BIP implementation in Cameroon. This for physical and financial budget resources monitoring of the consumption.
Canton de Genève, Swiss, 2011
Development and implementation of an IT system for radar data feedback in the Canton of Geneva.


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